Saturday, 11 April 2015

Day 59 and 60: Leaving Danang and Waves

Day 59

I had such a bad night sleep last night, I'm so glad we are leaving today. The rooms just too hot and you can't get any air into it. Ben also sleep wee'd last night, luckily in the toilet but he was unsettled for the night and it kept me up. I finally give in and just peruse the wonders of the interest until Ben wakes up at 7.30, this is obviously the best time for my body to want to nap and. I wake up an hour later like I was living in jelly. Urg

We go off in search of food but after a fruitless search at the bar we were in last night and a few more hotels, we settle for a really crummy breakfast at a small place that's boring and small but feeds us and we waste the rest of the time till our pick up just mooching on the beach, watching the many (unprofessional and highly funny) photo shoots going on. The manager here did something which is really starting to bug me about travelling, they give the most mediocre or down right rubbish service till the last day when they are all sweetness and light and creepily ask you to leave them a nice review. This guy asked us 4 times and would only let us go when we said we'd recommend it to our family and friends (we really wouldn't)

Hoi An is our next stop and only about an hours drive from where we are in Da Nang but we've heard is so much nicer beach. We get dropped off about a 15 walk from the beach but it the most luscious of farm areas. 

Our guesthouse is called The Tropical Garden Home Stay and it's easily the nicest place we've stayed (other than the fabulous Chiang Mai) since we have left. The ceilings are high, the beds huge and it has a rain shower all for £20 a night, bliss. In true sun worshipper style we dump our bags and head off towards the beach and it really doesn't disappoint. 

The sand is white, the water warm and with enough space that you never feel you're too close to anyone. We stay till 5 with me engrossed in my  Mindfulness book and then we go eat some delicious food. In our hast though to get out in the sun we haven't bought enough money with us and have to walk back, embarrassed to grab some. Ben's a gent here and drops the cash back on his own, but only after a little argument with the old lady of the house trying to charge him £15 for the use of the free bike. We can't work out if it was a translation thing or she was just be devious but now Ben gives her the hawk eye whenever she's near.

Day 60 

I managed to sleep weirdly on my arms last night and can't feel them properly for a good hour this morning, honestly I'm walking around like a robot. I do manage to scoff our free breakfast though which is scrumptious and we hand in our mountain of washing, not realising that it would all be hand washed and I felt a little guilty once it came back I realised it was two thirds of my bag.

It's another day at the beach for us today and we forgo the walk in favour of the bikes (free and no old lady in sight). It's such a nice ride and I forgot how much I love to cycle. The beach is near empty when we arrive and we stretch out, making a little den for the day. The cycle for the day is flop (down on the towel) flip (sides) and the dip (in the sea). The waves here are so much fun, they are powerful enough to play in but small enough to jump if you need to and we find a shallow bit that we can jump into them from. 

The day just a repeat of that cycle apart from an hour at lunch where we buy bracelets and eat delicious fresh spring rolls. When we are both feeling suitably crispy, we cycle back. As you've already guessed with the bike incident, the family are quite strange that own this home stay and I can't work out if they disapprove of us or it's just the Vietnamese way but it always seems they are a bit disapproving of us. Like today, when we got back "You've only been at the beach all day?" "Yeah we love it" "But what do you do?" "Read, swim, sleep (nervous laugh)" and they respond with a look like we're utter weirdos. I know it's lazy but we can't be the only guests who do that?

We mooch in the room till 6.30 when we grab a lift into town and wished we had come in sooner. Hoi An has a buzzing market style night life and we grab something to eat at a little restaurant that serve delicious western and Vietnamese food, we will definitely we back. We don't explore too much tonight as our flop, flip and dip cycle didn't haven't enough sun lotion reapplies in it and we are both feeling a little crispy but we will be back tomorrow to find out what else this little town has to offer. 

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.