Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Day 149 and 150: Rice Paddies and Maps

Day 149

We wake up early and go down through the gorgeous garden for some breakfast of fresh fruit and banana pancakes, so tasty. We spend the first few hours of out day trying to work out how to get to Yogyakarta, our next stop, from Bali where are are now. After much contemplating, searching, discussing and more searching we that we would rather pay the little more and fly for 2 hours than the 16 hour boat and bus, we haven't really recovered from the other one.

Once that's decided we go off and explore the town. We had a little look last night so go off in a different direction and find a really cool market full of touristy bits and penis bottle openers, weird I know. We grab a couple of ink prints that remind us of the dance last night and then I fall in love with a side car. This walk takes us back to Monkey Forest Road and we spend the rest of the morning window shopping. 

Lunch is back at the hotel and a delicious avocado and egg sandwich which I am definitely doing once we are home. We head out again this afternoon but turn right instead of left and head off down the street to see what we can find. We walk only a little way when we spot a sign for a rice paddy 50 metres from the road. We turn down this little thin alley and after a few minutes of walking we arrive at a huge field full of rice and people. We didn't want to seem like we were gawping so we don't stay too long but it's very beautiful.

We carry on out walk down the road and find a cool bridge and an art gallery where Michael Jackson had been. We are both a bit hot and sweaty by this point so pop into a cafe called Grandpa's where we have some amazing drinks. Ben's is inside a young coconut and is coconut milk, ginger, lime, avocado and mint and I had orange juice and tonic water topped off with strawberry gelato, delish! I used WhatsApp call for the first time today to ring Amy and it actually works really well if you can handle a little delay :D Was so nice to talk to her. We head out after and book some workshops and tours over the next few days in a cool coffee shop where we don't leave till closing.

Day 150

I had a restless night sleep but Ben's stomach finally seems to be a bit happier. We have another yummy breakfast and then spend the morning reading and blogging before Ben's bowels aren't happy again, will it ever end? We spend the time in between him running off tracking our trip on a cool website, the links below so you can see all the places we've been.


Lunch is the yummy sandwich again and then off to the coffee shop again but this time to upload pictures and book some hotels for Sri Lanka which is fast approaching. We lose the day doing this and in the evening we have some yummy food at a place with an over curious cat who wears necklaces. I still can't seem to sleep tonight even after my restless night before so Ben sends me to sleep reading me Gibbon facts, this man is just perfect! 

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.