Thursday, 27 August 2015

Day 167 and 168: Poops, Meetings and Monkeys

Day 167

Of all the days to wake up with unbearable stomach cramps and diarrhoea, the day we are picking up Lee and Angela isn't a good one. I feel like crap and want to curl into a ball but am determined to go the airport as I'm so excited. Imodium is always my friend and Ben goes out to get breakfast whilst I get dressed and spend every 10 minutes in the toilet. Sigh.

Once he's back and filled me with flat lemonade and biscuits, we grab a tuk tuk to the bus station. I've heard there is a fast bus to the airport but our driver doesn't really understand and takes us to the local bus which is leaving as we pull up so we run and jump on and settle ourselves down for the long ride. Oh god it's hot, at least it's not as cramped as the last few buses we have wedged ourselves on. We arrive at the airport, all hot and sweaty and make our way to arrivals which we have to pay £3 for the privilege to enter. 

We don't have to wait long for them to come through and it's so nice to see them, especially as they both comment on how brown and slim we look, why thank you. They have a driver booked for the first week of them being here and he meets us at the airport Vand we make our way into Colombo. We tag along as they check in which is a win for us as we get a free drink and snack, can't complain. Our tummies rumble and not in a worrying way so off to barefoot we go to show off the delights of Colombo, unfortunately the main Sri Lankan dish they do isn't on and the rest of the food is a bit of a let down for everyone (apart from me, I get to eat hummus again, nom) 

After filling out faces, Sivah our driver takes us on a tour of Colombo, we whizz past the park and the fort area and then stop at a really cool Hindu temple,hunch is all inside a bit of a non descript building but it's beautiful inside. The only annoying thing is that I have to wear 2 saris oddly places to cover up and the locals get a good laugh at me. All the walking and the heat kills me so I sit out the Catholic Church across the road. Our plan is now to go and see a lake but I'm waning and Lee and Angela look knackered so we head pack and we pack for leaving tomorrow.

Day 168

I'm still not feeling great so it's another Imodium day. We get picked up at 7.30 and we begin our adventure Lee and Angela style. We pick up some food from a bakery on route before hitting the highway and starting on our 4 hour journey to Dambulla. The scenery here is incredible and its so nice to be seeing it from the comfort of a car. We stop for King Coconuts which is delicious and I wish I'd had some sooner on the trip, it's so refreshing. Once we arrive in Dambulla, our first stop is the Temple Caves. I'm feeling a little better so head off with everyone to climb the steps up the huge rock but within a few steps I feel awful and so dizzy. I know it's low blood sugar and thirst but stupidly I don't get anything from the water sellers on the way up.

By the time I'm at the top, I'm almost fainting and spend about 3/4 of the 45 minutes we are up there resting in a wall whilst everyone else goes round. I do perk up a bit and go in the first couple of caves and my they are beautiful. The scenery up here is amazing, I completely understand why they built these temples up here. There is also tons of monkeys here that are so cute and they little antics take my mind off feeling pants on the way down. 

We grab some lunch now which is simple for me of veg and rice but yummy and Ben, Lee and Angela go for a huge Sri Lankan feast. We part now, and arrange to meet in the morning for breakfast and then Safari!

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.