Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Day 175 and 176: Our Last Day and Starting Our Way Home

Day 175
Today is our last full day before we go home and its so weird to write that! We are going to do what we do best today...sunbathe! Breakfast this morning has some delicious avocados and eggs, I'm going to miss having it made for me. With a full tummy, I spend the whole day sunbathing. Ben and Lee go off down the beach and Angela goes into Galle, and I'm still here, flipping, rolling and reading, bliss. I catch up with Mum and Aunty Margaret on Facetime and carry on the trickery, as they think we won't be back for a month but really its only 2 days time!!

Tonight we are eating in and its a Hatty special, full of lots of salads, fresh fish and new potatoes. Oh my its utterly delicious, not spicey and not noodles. As you can tell me palette is ready to go home. We finish the night polishing off rum and wander back for our last night.

Day 176
We pack up for the last time today and I am so ready to go home. Living out of a rucksack definitely loses its appeal after a while. We waddle out way to L & A's cottage and dump our bags, which I hope is the last time I have to walk that far with it. We have a yummy breakfast and then spend the morning watching the rain and getting ourselves ready for off. Lunch is delicious garlic prawns, salad and garlic bread which is scrumptious and has the added pleasure of garlicking out anyone who is going to sit next to us on the plane. At 3 o'clock, a driver comes to pick us up and we wave goodbye to Lee and Angela and start the beginning of our journey home. 

It takes 3 1/2 hours to get to the airport and its a really cool drive. From forests of dead trees covered in ivy to the bustling streets of Colombo, it just cements my love for Sri Lanka. We arrive at the airport just as our check in opens so swan through security and fail miserably to get an upgrade with the engagement. We've got about 2 hours to kill before our first flight so Ben goes off to explore whilst I get accosted by a weird man who kept telling me how lovely English women are, eek. We board, seat and fly with it going without a hitch apart from taking ages to land and then for the doors to open, which makes our 1 1/2 transfer even tighter eek. 

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.