Day 177
We run off the plane and power walk ourselves through the Mumbai airport to the transfer desk which feels about a mile away from the gate. Once there, its a bit chaotic and we get rushed through a queue and get given our boarding pass. Then we have to go through the most thorough security we've had in ages, with our bags being searched as well as ourselves. We power walk through duty free and through the airport where we find our gate after about a 20 minute walk, and after a quick wee we board, phew.
Our tickets are checked loads more times (Mumbai is so thorough) before we sit down on our last flight of the trip!!! This is very exciting. This one is about 9 hours and man, it drags. I get a little sleep but I'm too excited and uncomfortable to stay snoozing for too long. I watch a couple of films and wolf down my breakfast. We are meant to land at 6am but we circle Heathrow for half an hour which kills me, and I even get a little grumpy (well very grumpy). But finally we land and my excitement builds even more, we go through security, grab our bags and then we are here! Home. England. Oh man this feels good.
We are getting picked up by a driver so we can surprise everyone and he's standing at the arrivals with a little sign, yay! We get in is snazzy BMW for the hour and a bit drive to Ben's mums. Oh my kittens, its so good to be back on UK soil, with all the pretty fields and tiny houses and then suddenly, we arrive at Helen's drive, let the surprising begin!
Helen screams, my mum cried, Amy can't believe it, Dad's watching tennis and the nephews seem a little shocked but luckily they aren't too grumpy, man I've missed them!! It takes 2 days to get round everyone and it was such a nice way to do it, we didn't feel rushed as no one knew or guilty if we spent to long with anyone. It's not the cheapest way to do but I would definitely recommend it, even just for the faces :D
And so it ends...
I've written up the last few blogs now I'm home and it hard to believe sometimes it even happened, normal life has hit hard and quick. But I get daily flash back to these past 6 months and each and every one is utterly incredible. Granted there were several times I ached badly for home with it's safe houses and easy foods and every single day tested me and pushed me to do, eat, see something new but you know what? It was the best 6 months of my life. I've see some just amazing things that I never would have been able to on a holiday, I tried so many new foods and aventures I never would have bother to at home and I've come home with a fiancé, my best friend, there really isn't anyone in the world I would have rather done this trip with. I would do it all again in an instant :)
And so to end, I just want to say a big thank you for reading, its been really fun writing this blog and a brilliant way to make sure I remember every detail. Below I've quickly answered the questions I've been asked most since I've been home. If you've got any more just comment and I'll write back :)
Best Place
Hard one, but as an overall country Sri Lanka, it was so beautiful and the people are very friendly. If you can get past the hot food (or you love it) its insanely amazing.
Worst Place
For me, it is a toss up between Hanoi (we were sick and it rained, a lot) and obviously Otres in Cambodia (Think rats) but that last one is unfair as it's a beautiful stretch of beach, unspoilt with warm waters and delicious food. I've just got too many bad memories.
Best Historical Sight
Another hard one, I loved the Angkor complex, I literally burst into tears when I first saw it but it was trumped by Borodubur in Indonesia. That at sun rise is a must see for everyone.
Favourite Food
Amok in Otres and Shrimps in general, I've become a bit of a fiend.
Best Animals
The Gibbons in Thailand were just so cute and hearing them call across the forest around us was amazing, and then the leopard in Sri Lanka, that was just, Wow.
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