Wednesday 20 May 2015

Day 105 and 106: Fishes and Dragons

Day 105
I don't know why but so many cheap rooms in Asia have no windows and this one is no different. We are also quite close to the reception so when I hear voices that sound like they are checking in, in my sleepy state I think it's morning. When it's actually 3.30am, how inconsiderate of them.

It's another blogging and trip arranging day which means we don't really leave the room, but it has to be done. These days sometimes feel a little like a waste but we do need them to sort everything out, getting the right (and cheap) hotels and transport. We head out for dinner and towards an Indian restaurant that Chris the German recommended. I got for a roti canai as why ruin a good thing? Ben's a little more adventurous though and go for a Masala Dorsi which is a huge stuff roti with super hot curry which even makes Ben gasp. We are treating ourselves to a Terminator night so grab some movie night snacks and head back for T2. I'll be back.

Day 106

After a day of rest yesterday, we are off island hopping again. We get down to the not so jetty a little late which means there's no one to share a boat with. We come to this bit because it's a little cheaper than the jetty but it doesn't mean they won't leave until the boat has at least 4 people, we wait for about half hour and it's looks like we are going to have to go find a more expensive place when a group of girls turn up who work in Singapore and they are happy to share, woohoo! 

We are going to go back to the same islands as we liked them so much last time but Sapi is rammed busy this time as it's coming up to a bank holiday. We have heard a rumour there's another beach around the corner and we scramble over some rocks and round the cove to find a near empty beach! We set up camp on a rock and don the snorkels. The fish aren't as plenty here but we still see some clown fish (this one a little more aggressive, by that I mean he swam at us in a "You what?!" Styley) loads of rainbow fish which I've found out are called Parrot fish and a really cool leopard print one. The masks are really failing now and between us we have only one good set so I give it to Ben and go enjoy the sun whilst he paddles round. 

We head back round when our stomachs start to rumble and we have just turn the corner to the main beach when we hear a commotion and I see something moving in the water, my first though it shark but it bobs it's head up and it's a monitor lizard!! Ben's so excited and we watch him as he comes to the shore. The locals have to ruin it though by chasing it and pulling its tail, grr don't they realise how lucky they are to have these animals? We didn't get any pictures and I know Ben's a little disappointed so when I hear a rustling at lunch, I get Ben straight away and there's another lizard right near when we are eating!! He's so cool and Ben is so excited, I can't wait for Komodo now :D

We grab the boat after and head over to the next island and shelter from the daily rain storm here under the trees, nattering away as we do. The boat ride back is a little rough so I'm glad once we are on firm land, I don't get sea sick but today was pretty close. Pot noodle for dinner tonight which is actually scrumptious and settle in for another film night, tonight's choice is Leon and I'm in awe of Natalie Portman, if you haven't seen it you must.

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.