Wednesday 20 May 2015

Day 107 and 108: Boxing and Losing my Passport to a Sleeping Man's Foot

Day 107

After sleeping in and making postcards to send out to our loved on (PopCarte and ByPost are the best apps) we decide it's too late to do another island trip which is quite good as it saves a few pennies. So the plan instead is to catch a film and then watch the sunset from the Observation tower. We eat some lunch, glam up and head towards the mall. However much I want to, Ben won't let us watch Avengers again so we scroll through the choice of films and settle on Furious 7, I've not event any of the other ones but Ben's not sure it will be too confusing for me to pick up.

It has to be the worse, poorly acted, badly written, most entertaining film I've ever seen. Honestly, I laughed so hard at the cheesy lines and gawp at the fast races that even the bad bits became good. I'm not saying it will ever win an Oscar but it was a really good film to watch when your brain needs a rest and there was a really moving tribute at the end to Paul Walker who has died half way through the filming. We grab a supermarket stash of food and head back to our cave for our last night before heading to the Philippines tomorrow and a long wait in the airport.

Day 108

We are leaving the lovely lands of Boreno today so it's a morning of packing, well supposedly. You probably couldn't miss the build up to the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao boxing match in the UK which is on this morning for us. Ben's really keen on watching it and he had spent the last few days trying to find somewhere to watch it but the head of Malaysian TV has obviously been living in a whole for the past few weeks and hadn't heard of the fight apparently so no local TV was showing it. Majorly annoying so we had resigned ourselves to the fact we would only be able to get it in Twitter. 

This was until breakfast and a common room full of Fillipinos caught our eye. I'm putting toast in the toaster and Ben's making coffee when I hear a very American, Very boxing sounding commentator on the telly.

"Ben, psst, Ben" I whisper "I think the boxings on"

It can't be, he says, it's got to be WWE but as we go round the corner into the common area and we look up at the screen it looks like Ben's prayers have been answered, the cheeky Philipinos have somehow managed to get HBO and it was currently showing the pre fight fluff. Ben's in love. I get to bask in some of that love when I offer to pack up his bag for him and check us out so he can watch the fight. I know, I know I'm lovely. The hour and a half to myself means I get a little head space and chance to play some cheesy tunes that Ben can't handle. With both bags packed and us checked out, I head into the common room to find out that the big fight is just about to start and Ben is very drunk.

Turns out the Filipinos are as friendly as I remember and have been plying Ben with food and drink whilst they wait for the fight to happen. It's extended to me as well as I glut coke, and eat nuts whilst we boo and cheer as the fight goes on. I'm not qualified (as a non regular boxing fan) to comment on who should or should not have won but I do think Mayweather's way of fighting isn't that interesting to watch.

Once the fight is over and we've said our many goodbyes and promises to visit all of their home villages, I drag Ben into town to sober up with a Burger King and a lot of water. We were both pretty excited about going to the Philippines anyway but after spending the morning eight those guys we both now can't wait and are wishing away the next 24 hours till we are there. Relatively sober, we grab our bags and get a bus to the airport where we begin our long wait and epic travels to get to our final destination, Camiguin. KK airport is a little crazy with only one departure lounge for all the flights leaving and a lot of crazy Chinese families shouting at each other.

4 hours later we board our flight but we haven't finished take off when I realise my passport is no longer in my pocket. I know I had it on the flight but it's not on my chair, it's not in my bag and I'm starting to panic. As a last resort, I look under my seat and finally spot it just behind me, phew. I jumped down and awkwardly jam myself in between the seats and stretch under mine, my fingers nearly touching it and with a final push I know I will be able to reach it, when...the man behind's foot steps on it and pulls it back, under his shoe and out of my way. No amount of stretching is enough, with my fingers always being a few cms out and when I look up I realise that the guy is asleep. I trying and wake him but no response and I'm not so out to break a social faux par by touching a sleeping person.

I'm fretting a little as you can imagine but luckily a steward is passing and after a quick explanation from me, sets to retrieving it for me. The passport captive is in the window seat, the seat in the middle is empty and there is a confused looking Chinese man in the aisle seat. The steward asks him to move, meaning out but in a Monty Python styley, he does understand and shuffles into the middle seat that the steward is trying to get in to. All this kerfuffling wakes the Mr Sleepy, who looks a bit startled to find a steward and a pink haired girl staring at him.

"It's my passport" I say "it's under your foot" 

He looks at me confused, realises after a few seconds, then looks sternly at my saying "It's a very important document, you know" like I had threw it under is foot for a giggle, give me strength. I forgot to mention is this story so far that he is very over weight and as he leans down to grab my passport, his size won't let him so he awkwardly shuffles himself, bum in the air, wedging himself down and finally gets me my passport. Why he didn't just kick it to me I'll never know but I thank him all the same. 

Thankfully the flight is unevenly after that and we touch down in warm and dark Cebu. Knowing we have a lot of time to kill (10 hours in total, over night) here we meander through the airport and immigration. The guard on the counter, who are usually quite quiet and stern, is amazed by my hair and lets me know Katy Perry is in town and that I should definitely go and see her, so cute.

We grab out backs and make our way to domestic departures, we have a nervous 10 minutes when we realise we have forgotten to download our itinerary and have to steal some wifi from a closing cafe to get it. Once through first security, the hair causing a stir once again, we settle down as we can't check out bags in until 4 hours before the flight and decide to kill time till 2am when we can check in.

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.