Wednesday 27 May 2015

Day 111 and 112: Sunsets and Exploring

Day 111

An relatively early start today and yummy pancakes for breakfast, nom. We want to do a bit of exploring today so ask RJ, the manager is he's got a bike spare for us. He does, woo but after a frantic 10 minutes, it turns out they have mis placed the keys. No worries he says, you can use the jeep. Even better we think as Ben has never ridden a geared bike but then that won't start, eek. Luckily another bike is found for us and we can finally start the day.

First thing we want to have a look at is the hot springs which are only a short ride away from us. The scenery is incredible as we start to make it up the hill, both sides are full of towering palm trees and green plants, it's just beautiful. It's only 80p to get in and we head straight to a lower pool and slip in. The water is naturally lukewarm due to the volcano it comes from and it's so lovely. We stay in that pool for about an hour before moving up to the second, much cooler pool. Then up to a deeper pool which is warm again and then finally to the smallest but warmest pool right at the top. It's bliss and we stay for about 2 hours before our tummies rumble and we head back for so lunch.

We jump back on the bike again after noms but we haven't gone a few metres up the road when we both realise the bike is riding right. I get off and notice a bad flat at the back, ah it's just not our day for transport. We hadn't gone that far though so we head back, and RJ gives us the first bike to use, this time with keys :) We decide to head round the island and zip off westbound taking in all the sights, it's such a beautiful island and me and Ben are both a bit of agog at it. We get about a third of the way round when the lights starts to go down and we are running out of fuel so we head back. We catch another beautiful sun set and have dinner outside our room, very romantic.

Day 112

Phil and Sue are back today so we work out day around seeing them. Addicted to its white sands we decide to go back to the White Island this morning and book a boat. Learning from our lesson of the other day we only stay for 4 hours and try to not get too crispy (failed miserably at that) and sunbathe a swim all morning.

Once we head back, Phil and Sue have arrived! We don't want to bombard them straight away so grab some lunch then pop over and say hello. They welcome is with open arms, open a beer straight away and we catch up, letting them know all about our plans. As the sun fades and our sunburn turns redder it's obvious the 5am start Phil and Sue have had to get back here is taking its tole and we leave them to relax and go take in another beautiful sun set.

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A blog all about one pink-hair girl's trials and tribulations of first-time backpacking whilst trying to keep to her vintage roots.